品牌索引 產品分類 > 小信號開關二極管> 瞬態電壓抑制器TVS/ESD> 雙極管二極管> 調諧二極管> 齊納(穩壓)二極管> 小信號肖特基二極管> 頻帶轉換二極管> 中/高功率管> 射頻PIN二極管> Sinterglass二極管> 整流器 > N溝道(N-Channel)> P溝道(P-Channel)> 雙N溝道(Dual N-Channel)> 雙P溝道(Dual P-Channel)> 雙N和P溝道(Dual N and P-Channel)
The TXS02326 is a complete dual-supply standby Smart Identity Module (SIM) card solution for interfacing wireless baseband processors with two individual SIM subscriber cards to store data for mobile handset applications. It is a custom device which is used to extend a single SIM/UICC interface to be able to support two SIMs/UICCs. The device complies with ISO/IEC Smart-Card Interface requirements as well as GSM and 3G mobile standards. It includes a high-speed level translator capable of supporting Class-B (2.95 V) and Class-C (1.8 V) interfaces, two low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators that have output voltages that are selectable between 2.95-V Class-B and 1.8-V Class-C interfaces, an integrated "fast-mode" 400 kb/s "slave" I2C control register interface for configuration purposes, a 32-kHz clock input for internal timing generation, a shutdown input and a comparator input detecting battery pack removal to safely power-down the two SIM cards, each equipped with two programmable debounce counter (i. 特性