Specializing in the manufacture of connectors, Hirose Electric has contributed to the development of the electronics sector for over 70 years. At present, Hirose commands a leading position as a top-brand in Japan and the export ratio of its sales has also registered a dramatic increase, expanding the scope of our activities to the international stage. It is with a profound sense of gratitude and appreciation that we take this opportunity to acknowledge the support and patronage of all our customers that has enabled us to achieve this growth.
角型連接器 圓型連接器 同軸連接器 模塊連接器 IC卡/IC插槽 直插式連接器 基板對電纜連接器 基板對基板連接器 FPC/FFC連接器 光連接器·光器件 結合器 分配器/合成器 轉換器 衰減器 終端器 官方網站:http://www.hirose-china.com.cn/index.htm |